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👱‍♀️Day 0 分类记单词企划(介绍+Appearance C2词汇)
Words 1834Read Time 5 min
Jan 4, 2025
Jan 10, 2025


  • CEFR全名Common European Framework of Reference for Language,即欧洲共同语言参考标准,是官方对于不同阶段外语水平的描述。除了CEFR还有其他类似的官方标准,比如美国的ACTFL(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language Proficiency Guidelines),加拿大的CLB(Canadian Language Benchmarks)等等。CEFR标准可以针对很多种语言。
    • C2 精通级
  • 词汇分级依据:牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第10版)

话题:Appearance 级别:C2

  1. a bit of all right idiom (British English, slang) a person that you think is sexually attractive 有魅力的人;性感的人
  1. acne noun /ˈækni/ [uncountable] a skin condition, common among young people, that produces many pimples (= spots), especially on the face and neck 痤疮;粉刺
  1. Adonis noun /əˈdəʊnɪs/ an extremely attractive young man 英俊青年
  1. Afro noun /ˈæfrəʊ/ (plural Afros) a hairstyle sometimes worn by black people and popular in the 1970s, which consists of a round mass of very curly hair 非洲式發型(20 世紀 70 年代流行的某些黑人的圓形緊密鬈發)
  1. albino noun /ælˈbiːnəʊ//ælˈbaɪnəʊ/ (plural albinos) a person or an animal that is born with no pigment(= colour) in the hair or skin, which are white, or in the eyes, which are pink 患白化病的人(或动物)
  1. allure noun /əˈlʊə(r)//əˈlʊr/ [uncountable, singular] (formal) the quality of being attractive and exciting 诱惑力;引诱力;吸引力
  1. alluring adjective /əˈlʊərɪŋ//əˈlʊrɪŋ/ attractive and exciting in a mysterious way 诱人的;迷人的;有吸引力的
  1. angelic adjective /ænˈdʒelɪk/ good, kind or beautiful; like an angel 善良的;美丽的;天使般的
  1. arm candy noun /ˈɑːrm kændi/ [uncountable] (informal) an attractive person that somebody takes with them to a public or social event in order to impress other people(男子参加社交活动时所带的)挂臂美女
  1. ash blonde adjective /ˌæʃ ˈblɑːnd/ (also ash blond) (头发)淡褐色的
  1. auburn adjective /ˈɔːbən//ˈɔːbərn/ (of hair毛发) red-brown in colour 红褐色的
  1. babe noun /beɪb/ (informal) an attractive young woman 有魅力的年轻女子
  1. babe magnet noun /ˈbeɪb mæɡnət/ (informal, especially North American English) a man who is very attractive to women; a possession that is thought to make a man more attractive to women 宝贝磁铁(指吸引女性的男子或男性物品)
  1. backcomb verb /ˈbækkəʊm/(British English) (North American English tease) backcomb something to comb your hair in the opposite direction to the way it grows so that it looks thicker 反梳(头发)使之蓬起
  1. balding adjective /ˈbɔːldɪŋ/ starting to lose the hair on your head 开始脱发的;变秃的
  1. baldy noun /ˈbɔːldi/ (also baldie) (plural baldies) (informal, offensive) a person who has no hair or almost no hair on their head 秃头;秃子
  1. balm noun /bɑːm/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] a liquid, cream, etc. that has a pleasant smell and is used to make wounds less painful or skin softer 镇痛软膏;护肤膏;香液
  1. bang noun bangs [plural] (North American English) (British English fringe) the front part of somebody’s hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead 额前短发;刘海儿
  1. Barbie doll™ noun /ˈbɑː(r)bi dɑːl/ (also Barbie) (informal, offensive) a woman who is sexually attractive, especially one who is thought to be stupid or boring 芭比女郎(尤指愚蠢或俗气的性感女子)
  1. beam noun a wide and happy smile 笑容;眉开眼笑
  1. beam verb /biːm/ [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to have a big happy smile on your face 笑容满面;眉开眼笑
  1. beanpole noun /ˈbiːnpəʊl/ (informal, usually disapproving) a tall thin person 瘦高个子
  1. beaut noun /bjuːt/ (North American English, Australian English, New Zealand English, informal) an excellent or beautiful person or thing 出众的人(或事物);美人;美好的东西
  1. beauteous adjective /ˈbjuːtiəs/(literary) beautiful 美丽的;美好的
  1. beauty school noun /ˈbjuːti skuːl/ (North American English) a place that trains people to cut hair, take care of nails, etc. as a job 美容学校
  1. beefcake noun /ˈbiːfkeɪk/ [uncountable] (slang) attractive men with big muscles(尤指杂志中健壮性感的)肌肉男
  1. beefy adjective /ˈbiːfi/ (comparative beefier, superlative beefiest)(informal) (of a person or their body人或人體) big or fat 高大的;肥胖的
  1. beehive noun a HAIRSTYLE for women, with the hair piled high on top of the head 蜂窝状发型
  1. beer belly noun /ˈbɪə beli//ˈbɪr beli/ (also beer gut) (informal) [C] a man’s very fat stomach, caused by drinking a lot of beer over a long period 啤酒肚
  1. belle noun /bel/ (old-fashioned) a beautiful woman; the most beautiful woman in a particular place 美女;(某地)最美的女人
  1. bewitching adjective /bɪˈwɪtʃɪŋ/ so beautiful or interesting that you cannot think about anything else 迷人的;令人沉醉的
  1. bimbo noun /ˈbɪmbəʊ/ (plural bimbos) (informal, disapproving) a young person, usually a woman, who is sexually attractive but not very intelligent 傻乎乎的性感青年(通常为女子)
  1. bingo wings noun /ˈbɪŋɡəʊ wɪŋz/ [plural] (British English, informal, humorous) long folds of loose skin and fat that hang down from the upper arms, especially of older people 宾果翼,蝴蝶臂,蝴蝶袖(尤指较年长的人上臂松弛下垂的部分)
  1. birthmark noun /ˈbɜːrθmɑːrk/ [C] a red or brown mark on a person’s skin that has been there since they were born 胎记;胎痣 
  1. blackhead noun /ˈblækhed/ a small spot on the skin, often on the face, with a black top 黑头粉刺(常长在面部)
  1. blemish noun /ˈblemɪʃ/ a mark on the skin or on an object that makes it look less beautiful or perfect 斑点;疤痕;瑕疵
  1. blotch noun /blɒtʃ//blɑːtʃ/ a mark, usually not regular in shape, on skin, plants, material, etc.(皮肤、植物、物体等上面不规则的)斑点,污点
  1. blow-dry noun /ˈbləʊ draɪ/ a beauty treatment in which somebody's hair is dried with a hairdryer and shaped into a particular style 吹发(用吹风机吹干头发并使之成型)
  1. blow-dry verb /ˈbləʊ draɪ/ blow-dry something to dry hair with a hairdryer and shape it into a particular style 吹发(用吹风机吹干头发并使之成型)
  1. blusher noun /ˈblʌʃə(r)/ (North American English also blush) [uncountable, countable] a coloured cream or powder that some people put on their cheeks (= on their faces below the eyes) to give them more colour 胭脂
  1. bob verb /bɒb//bɑːb/ [transitive] bob something to cut somebody’s hair so that it is the same length all the way around 把(头发)剪成短头发
  1. bob noun a style of a woman’s hair in which it is cut the same length all the way around(女式)齐短发型
  1. bobbed adjective /bɒbd//bɑːbd/ (of hair头发) cut so that it hangs loosely to the level of the chin all around the back and sides 齐而短的
  1. body noun [uncountable] the full strong taste of alcoholic drinks or the thick healthy quality of somebody’s hair(酒的)浓香,香醇;(头发的)浓密
  1. bombshell noun a blond(e) bombshell a very attractive woman with blonde hair 金发美女
  1. bonny adjective /ˈbɒni//ˈbɑːni/(also bonnie) (comparative bonnier, superlative bonniest) (dialect, especially Scottish English) very pretty; attractive 十分漂亮的;有魅力的
  1. bony adjective /ˈbəʊni/ (comparative bonier, superlative boniest) (of a person or part of the body人或人体部位) very thin so that the bones can be seen under the skin 瘦骨嶙峋的
  1. bottle blonde adjective /ˌbɒtl ˈblɒnd//ˌbɑːtl ˈblɑːnd/(also bottle blond) (disapproving) (of hair头发) artificially made to look blonde 染成金色的
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