
The movie calls out stigmas against female sexuality and stereotypes about single mothers. It name-drops feminist scholars, features a woman recalling domestic violence and laments Chinese censorship.
- call out stigmas against… 批评了对……的污名化
stigma noun /ˈstɪɡmə/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] negative feelings that people have about particular circumstances or characteristics that somebody may have 耻辱;羞耻
- 性欲 sexuality
- 单亲妈妈 single mothers
- 对……的刻板印象 stereotypes about…
- 提到 name-drop
name-drop verb /ˈneɪm drɒp//ˈneɪm drɑːp/ [intransitive, transitive] (disapproving) to mention the names of famous people you know or have met in order to impress other people提到所认识的名人以引起别人的注意
- 女权主义学者 feminist scholar [C]
- 回想 recall
- 家庭暴力 domestic violence
- 谴责中国的审查制度 lament Chinese censorship
lament verb /ləˈment/ (formal) lament something | lament that… | + speech to have or express very sad feelings about somebody/something 对…感到悲痛;痛惜;对…表示失望 synonym bemoan, bewail
This is not some indie film streamed secretly by viewers circumventing China’s internet firewall. It is China’s biggest movie right now — and has even garnered praise from the ruling Communist Party’s mouthpiece.
- 绕过 circumvent verb
circumvent /ˌsɜːrkəmˈvent/ (formal) circumvent something to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule设法回避;规避
- 独立电影 indie film
- 偷偷播放 stream secretly
- 中国的互联网防火墙 China’s internet firewall
- 赢得中共喉舌媒体的赞扬 garner praise from the ruling Communist Party’s mouthpiece
garner /ˈɡɑːrnər/ (formal) verb garner something to obtain or collect something such as information, support, etc.获得,得到,收集(信息、支持等)synonym gather, acquire
mouthpiece (of/for somebody) (often disapproving) a person, newspaper, etc. that speaks to represent another person or group of people 喉舌;代言人;发言人
The success of “Her Story,” a comedy that topped China’s box office for the last three weeks, is in some ways unexpected, at a time when the government has cracked down on feminist activism, encouraged women to embrace marriage and childbearing and severely limited independent speech.
- 《好东西》Her Story
- 喜剧片 comedy [C]
- 占据中国票房榜首 top China’s box office
- 在某种意义上有点出乎意料 in some ways unexpected
- 打击女权活动人士 crack down on feminist activism
- 鼓励女性结婚生子 encourage women to embrace marriage and childbearing
- women of childbearing age 育龄妇女
- Some women defer childbearing in favour of a career. 一些女性推迟生育以支持事业。
childbearing noun /ˈtʃaɪldbeərɪŋ/ [uncountable] the process of giving birth to children 分娩;生孩子
- 严格限制独立言论 severely limit independent speech
The film’s reception reflects the unpredictable nature of censorship in the country, as well as the growing appetite for female-centered stories. Discussion of women’s issues is generally allowed so long as it does not morph into calls for rights. “Her Story,” which some have called China’s answer to “Barbie,” cushions many of its social critiques with jokes.
- 受到的欢迎 reception
- 审查制度 censorship
- 对……越来越感兴趣 growing appetite for…
- 变成权力诉求 morph into calls for rights
morph verb [intransitive, transitive] morph (somebody/something) (into somebody/something) to change, or make somebody/something change, into something different(使)变化;(使)改变
- 一些人称为中国版的《芭比》(Barbie)some have called China’s answer to “Barbie”
- 用喜剧情节缓解了许多社会批判 cushion many of its social critiques with jokes
The director of “Her Story,” Shao Yihui, has emphasized at public appearances that she is not interested in provoking “gender antagonism,” an accusation that official media has sometimes lobbed against feminists.
- 在公开场合强调 emphasize at public appearances
- 挑起 provoke
- 性别对立 gender antagonism
antagonism noun /ænˈtæɡənɪzəm/ [uncountable, plural] antagonism (to/toward(s) somebody/something) | antagonism (between A and B) feelings of opposition and hate 对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意 synonym hostility
- 批评 lob against
- 指责 accusation [C]
At a time of sluggish growth and anemic ticket sales, movie producers — and perhaps government regulators — have been eager to attract female audience members, an increasingly important consumer base. Other recent hit movies have also been directed by and starred women, including the year’s top box office performer, “YOLO.”
- 市场增长缓慢 sluggish growth
- 票房惨淡 anemic ticket sales
- an anaemic performance 一场有气无力的表演
anaemic adjective /əˈniːmɪk/ (British English) (North American English anemic) anemic adj. weak and not having much effect衰弱无力的;无生气的
synonym feeble
- 电影制片人 movie producer [C]
- 政府监管者 government regulator [C]
- 想方设法吸引女性观众 be eager to attract female audience members
- 消费群体 consumer base
- 热门电影 hit movies
- 女性主演 star women
star verb /stɑːr/ perform in movie/play在电影/戏剧中扮演角色 [intransitive] to have one of the main parts in a film, play, etc.主演;担任主角
- 票房冠军 top box office performer
- 《热辣滚烫》YOLO
Still, “Her Story,” the second feature from Ms. Shao, 33, was not expected to reach anywhere near this level of success. It was low-budget and at first released only in a few major cities.
- 尽管如此 still
- 作品 feature noun
feature (old-fashioned) the main film in a cinema programme(电影的)正片,故事片
- 没有想到会取得今天这样的成功 be not expected to reach anywhere near this level of success
- 低预算 low-budget
- 上映 release
It follows two women who become neighbors in Shanghai: Xiao Ye, a free-spirited but emotionally vulnerable singer, and Wang Tiemei, a no-nonsense former journalist and single mother to 9-year-old Molly. As their friendship develops, the women team up to raise Molly; encourage each other professionally; and laugh at their clueless suitors, who try to outdo each other in quoting feminist theory and declaring their “original sin” of being born male.
- 自由奔放 free-spirited
- 感情脆弱 emotionally vulnerable
- 严肃务实 no-nonsense
- a no-nonsense approach/style 严肃的方法/风格
- She was a tough, no-nonsense leader. 她是个强势、讲求实际的领导
no-nonsense adjective /ˌnəʊ ˈnɒnsns//ˌnəʊ ˈnɑːnsens/, /ˌnəʊ ˈnɑːnsns/ [only before noun] simple and direct; only paying attention to important and necessary things简单直接的;言简意赅的;不说废话的
- 随着友谊加深 as their friendship develops
- 携手照顾(孩子) team up to raise …
- 追求者 suitor
- (old-fashioned) a man who wants to marry a particular woman求婚者
- He was an ardent suitor.他是一个热情的追求者。
- In the play, the heroine has to choose between three suitors.剧中,女主角要在三个求婚者中作出选择。
- (business商业) a company that wants to buy another company 有意收购另一公司的公司
- a merger proposal from an unwanted suitor不受欢迎的追求者提出的合并建议
suitor noun /ˈsuːtə(r)/
- 拆台 outdo
outdo verb /ˌaʊtˈduː/ outdo somebody/something to do more or better than somebody else 胜过;优于 synonym beat

Ticket sales were initially slow, but the women who did watch became fervent evangelists. The film soon became ubiquitous. It now has a 9.1 rating out of 10 on the Chinese film-rating site Douban and has taken in more than $77 million, according to Maoyan, which tracks ticket sales. It is projected to be one of China’s top 15 highest-grossing films of the year.
- 票房 ticket sales
- 最热情的宣传者 fervent evangelist
fervent adjective /ˈfɜːvənt/ [usually before noun] having or showing very strong and sincere feelings about something 热情的;热忱的;热诚的;热烈的 synonym ardent
evangelist noun /ɪˈvændʒəlɪst/ a person who tries to persuade people to become Christians, especially by travelling around the country holding religious meetings or speaking on radio or television(基督教)布道者 see also televangelist
- taken in more than $77 million 票房收入已超过5.7亿元
- 票房最高的电影 highest-grossing film
Among young women it has spawned memes, podcast episodes and T-shirts.
- 催生 spawn
- The band's album spawned a string of hit singles. 这支乐队的专辑带出一连串走红的单曲
spawn verb [transitive] spawn something (often disapproving) to cause something to develop or be produced引发;引起;导致;造成
- 播客 podcast episodes
Xu Tianyi, a student in the central Chinese city of Luoyang, said she had never seen a movie that directly addressed so many topics women cared about. She cited a scene in which Tiemei is shamed online for writing about her sex life, by people who suggest she’s a bad mother.
- 探讨诸多话题 address so many topics
But the film’s heartwarming story made it accessible for people new to feminism too, said Ms. Xu, who counted herself among that group. “This movie is gentle, but it also has a little edge.” She and her friends had been quoting lines from the movie to each other. “It shows that feminism is spreading.”
- 刚接触 new to
- 锐利 edge
The movie has its critics, including some who griped that the men in the movie are portrayed as inept or clownlike. On Hupu, a sports forum popular with male users, the movie has a rating of 4.9.
- 遭遇批评 have its critics
- 抱怨 grip
grip somebody/something (of an emotion or a situation情绪或形势) to have a powerful effect on somebody/something对…产生强有力的影响
- 无能的 inept
- 像小丑 clownlike
- 评分 rating
But generally, the response has been positive — even from somewhat unexpected quarters.
- 反响 response
A commentary in People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s mouthpiece, praised the movie’s depiction of “humorous and absurd” aspects of daily life. It did not explicitly acknowledge specific women’s issues the movie raised, such as domestic violence but it said that directors should, like Ms. Shao, reflect what audiences cared about.
- 喉舌 mouthpiece
- 《人民日报》People’s Daily
- 共产党 the Communist Party
- 评论文章 commentary
- 明确认可 explicitly acknowledge
Xiaoning Lu, a scholar of Chinese cinema at the University of London, said that the authorities often left room for people to vent their frustrations, so long as they didn’t cross political lines.
- 中国电影学者 a scholar of Chinese cinema
- 伦敦大学 University of London
- 发泄不满 vent one’s frustrations
- 越过政治界限 cross political lines
Female-centered storytelling was not inherently anathema to the state, she added, noting that an actress in “Her Story” also recently starred in a television drama about a real-life female principal, a party member, who helps impoverished rural schoolgirls.
- 本质 inherently
- 禁忌 anathema to…
- Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me. 对我来说,种族歧视非常可恶。
anathema noun /əˈnæθəmə/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (formal) a thing or an idea that you hate because it is the opposite of what you believe可憎的事物;可恶的想法
- 党员 party member
- 贫困农村女学生 impoverished rural schoolgirl
“There are many faces of feminism in China,” Dr. Lu said. “It’s for the artist or director to find a balance. What is the limit? How much can you push the boundaries?”
- 找到平衡点 find a balance
- 推动边界 push the boundaries
Some of the movie’s sharpest references were not about feminism, but about censorship or people using accusations of political disloyalty to settle personal grudges (a classmate of Molly’s tries to report her to their teacher when she outperforms him academically). But those scenes were fleeting.
- 最尖锐的批评 sharpest reference [C]
- 政治不忠诚 political disloyalty
- 解决个人恩怨 settle personal grudges
grudge noun /ɡrʌdʒ/ grudge (against somebody) a feeling of anger or dislike towards somebody because of something bad they have done to you in the past 积怨;怨恨;嫌隙
- 成绩比某人好 outperform somebody academically
- 场景 scene [C}
- 一晃而过 fleet verb
Still, even as the director has been careful to avoid accusations of radicalism, she has defended so-called “extreme feminists.” At a question-and-answer session with audience members last month, she said that she simply may not be as brave as others who spoke out more pointedly.
- 小心翼翼地避免被指激进主义 avoid accusations of radicalism
radicalism noun /ˈrædɪkəlɪzəm/ [uncountable] belief in radical ideas and principles, especially on political and social issues 激进主义
- 辩护 defend
- 极端女权 extreme feminist
- 问答环节 question-and-answer session
- 观众 audience member [C}
- 发言更尖锐 speak out more pointedly
“It’s only because of extreme voices that people pay attention,” Ms. Shao said. “If everyone’s voice was very mild, it’s actually similar to having no voice.”
- 偏激的声音 extreme voices
- 独立电影 indie film
- 《好东西》Her Story
- 喜剧片 comedy [C]
- 占据中国票房榜首 top China’s box office
- 一些人称为中国版的《芭比》(Barbie)some have called China’s answer to “Barbie”
- 票房惨淡 anemic ticket sales
- 电影制片人 movie producer [C]
- 想方设法吸引女性观众 be eager to attract female audience members
- 消费群体 consumer base
- 热门电影 hit movies
- 女性主演 star women
- 票房冠军 top box office performer
- 《热辣滚烫》YOLO作品
- feature noun
- 低预算 low-budget
- 上映 release
- 票房 ticket sales
- taken in more than $77 million 票房收入已超过5.7亿元
- 票房最高的电影 highest-grossing film
- 评分 rating
- 反响 response
- 中国电影学者 a scholar of Chinese cinema
- 场景 scene
- 问答环节 question-and-answer session
- 观众 audience member [C}
- 谴责中国的审查制度 lament Chinese censorship
- 中国的互联网防火墙 China’s internet firewall
- 严格限制独立言论 severely limit independent speech
- 审查制度 censorship
- 政府监管者 government regulator [C]
- 喉舌 mouthpiece
- 《人民日报》People’s Daily
- 共产党 the Communist Party
- 越过政治界限 cross political lines
- 党员 party member
- 政治不忠诚 political disloyalty
- 单亲妈妈 single mothers
- 女权主义学者 feminist scholar [C]
- 家庭暴力 domestic violence
- 打击女权活动人士 crack down on feminist activism
- 鼓励女性结婚生子 encourage women to embrace marriage and childbearing
- 变成权力诉求 morph into calls for rights
- 用喜剧情节缓解了许多社会批判 cushion many of its social critiques with jokes
- 性别对立 gender antagonism
- 市场增长缓慢 sluggish growth
- 探讨诸多话题 address so many topics
- 发泄不满 vent one’s frustrations
- 小心翼翼地避免被指激进主义 avoid accusations of radicalism
- 极端女权 extreme feminist
- 发言更尖锐 speak out more pointedly
- 偏激的声音 extreme voices
- call out stigmas against… 批评了对……的污名化
stigma noun /ˈstɪɡmə/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] negative feelings that people have about particular circumstances or characteristics that somebody may have 耻辱;羞耻
- 性欲 sexuality
- 对……的刻板印象 stereotypes about…
- 提到 name-drop
name-drop verb /ˈneɪm drɒp//ˈneɪm drɑːp/ [intransitive, transitive] (disapproving) to mention the names of famous people you know or have met in order to impress other people提到所认识的名人以引起别人的注意
- 回想 recall
- 绕过 circumvent verb
- 偷偷播放 stream secretly
- 赢得中共喉舌媒体的赞扬 garner praise from the ruling Communist Party’s mouthpiece
- 在某种意义上有点出乎意料 in some ways unexpected
- 受到的欢迎 reception
- 对……越来越感兴趣 growing appetite for…
- 在公开场合强调 emphasize at public appearances
- 挑起 provoke
- 批评 lob against
- 指责 accusation [C]
- 尽管如此 still
- 没有想到会取得今天这样的成功 be not expected to reach anywhere near this level of success
- 自由奔放 free-spirited
- 感情脆弱 emotionally vulnerable
- 严肃务实 no-nonsense
- 随着友谊加深 as their friendship develops
- 携手照顾(孩子) team up to raise …
- 追求者 suitor
- 拆台 outdo
- 最热情的宣传者 fervent evangelist
- 催生 spawn
- 播客 podcast episodes
- 刚接触 new to
- 锐利 edge
- 遭遇批评 have its critics
- 抱怨 grip
- 无能的 inept
- 像小丑 clownlike
- 评论文章 commentary
- 明确认可 explicitly acknowledge
- 伦敦大学 University of London
- 本质 inherently
- 禁忌 anathema to…
- 贫困农村女学生 impoverished rural schoolgirl
- 找到平衡点 find a balance
- 推动边界 push the boundaries
- 最尖锐的批评 sharpest reference [C]
- 解决个人恩怨 settle personal grudges
- 成绩比某人好 outperform somebody academically
- 一晃而过 fleet verb
- 辩护 defend
- Author:ClaireLind
- URL:www.activereadings.top/article/172cecc7-995c-802c-8b03-fd8698024456
- Copyright:All articles in this blog, except for special statements, adopt BY-NC-SA agreement. Please indicate the source!